Original works
A cross-linked full catalog of my works in one page is also available.
Song for Lea (15/Feb/2020)Some soothing ukulele music to welcome baby Lea
Where’s my iPad? (27/Jan/2020)A fast paced tune in the style of an Irish reel.
Cozy Warm Place (23/Jan/2020)An original composition by Choan Gálvez featuring a comfortable, peaceful place and a ukulele.
Lana (14/Jan/2020)A happy tune to celebrate the birth of baby Lana.
Minuto para Hermes (4/Nov/2019)An apparently easy original lullaby for solo ukulele by Choan Gálvez. Tab available.
Nana para Jara (19/May/2018)Another little piece for solo ukulele, another lullaby for another precious baby. Tab available.
De cómo llenar un vaso (13/Apr/2018)A bluesy but optimistic piece for solo ukulele using an alternate tuning.
Un día feliz (1/Apr/2018)The happiness of a pain free day put into ukulele music.
Canción de cuna para mi bemol (28/Mar/2018)A quiet lullaby for solo ukulele. Tab available.
Aguasvivas (2/Mar/2018)A happy, jumping tune featuring alternate thumb comping.